Cygnus NGC6910

This is NGC 6910 found in Cygnus. Its the Y shaped cluster, there are so many brilliant star field around Gamma Cygnus its hard to pick this one out. Nice little cluster Counted 11 stars with 3 brighter stars. Observing Location: Back Yard

Left Turn At Orion

If you are just starting out or even an old hand at astronomy Left Turn At Orion is a good all around book. You will not find the wazoo pictures you get from Hubble. What you WILL find are very good drawings that look more like what you will see in the eyepiece. Left Turn […]


This is M29 It is a small 8 star cluster in Cygnus One of Charles Messier discoveries who cataloged it on July 29, 1764. This is my first drawings! M29 is not hard to see just hard to find. I passed it by a couple of times then it hit me, that small group of […]

Log Aug 31

Man what a night. I was not planing on going out last night. But right before I went to be I peeked out the door and what a glorious site. Sagittarius was there in view, a rare thing from my light polluted back yard. So I packed up the scope and headed out to my […]


Stellarium Is another can’t live without. What it does is Stellarium renders 3D photo-realistic skies in real-time. With stellarium, you really see what you can see with your eyes, binoculars or a small telescope. Some features: – Over 120000 stars from the Hipparcos Catalogue with name and infos for the brightest ones, – Planets in […]

Aug Messier Objects

I still have some Messier Objects that I need to get before they are gone for this year. In Sagittarius M20 M21 M23 M55 M25 M24 M18 M54 M28 M75 M69 M70 In Scorpius M4 M6 M7 M80 In Ophiuchus M62 M107 M9 M19 M14 M107 M62 M10 M9 M12 It looks like it might […]