
We had a bad storm come through yesterday. I did not think I would get any scope time…. But I looked out around 10:30 and we had clear sky’s. So out the the BackYard Observatory I went. M13 is one of my favorite objects to observe. From a dark site and a clear night you […]

BackYard Observatory Inside

Here are some pictures of the inside This is the South Wall [photopress:BYO_SWall.JPG,thumb,pp_empty] This is the West Wall [photopress:BYO_WWall.JPG,thumb,pp_empty] This is the East Wall [photopress:BYO_EWall.JPG,thumb,pp_empty] and the North Wall [photopress:BYO_NWall.JPG,thumb,pp_empty] One of the plus things about having the 5′ clearance for the rolloff is that I can build 5′ shelves on 3 of the wall. […]

BYO BackYard Observatory

I have finished my backyard observatory. I really REALLY like it. In the last week I have gotten 12 more hours of observing then I would have without my backyard observatory! [photopress:Astro_Hut2.JPG,thumb,pp_empty] [photopress:Astro_Hut4__1_.JPG,thumb,pp_empty] [photopress:Astro_Hut4.JPG,thumb,pp_empty] I have finished my backyard observatory. I really REALLY like it. In the last week I have gotten 12 more hours […]

Log Books

Make sure you check out our store. Messier Observers Logbook is available We have a new log book available Light Polluted Skies Log Book

My Backyard Set UP

[photopress:BY_SetUp1.jpg,thumb,pp_empty][photopress:BY_SetUp.jpg,thumb,pp_empty] This is my backyard set up. I put down 3 little concrete pads for the mount and I know what branch Polaris hides behind. So doing an rough Polar alignment is a snap. I can drag the mount with the scope out of the house all set up.