Collimation Eyepiece

It took a little bit to get use to using the collimation eyepiece. But after you get the hang of it man it makes the whole world of difference to your viewing experience.

Green Laser GLP

I did it! I have been wanting a BTG – 2 Green Laser / Black or GLP for a long time and I ordered it to day. I saw that is was on sale for $55.00 and I could not pass it up. Shipping was FAST it went out with in hours of the order. […]


This is M-15 Globular Cluster in Pegasus. It is worth the time to find it. It pretty small and it a tight cluster.

Binos 15×70

We have been wanting a bigger set of binos. One of our sporting goods store had a sale on Barska 15×70 binoculars. And of course as soon as we bought them the astor weather bug hit and RAIN so we have not really had much of a chance to get out and use them. But […]